Licensing for Retail Day is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC




Who Attends?



This conference will extend your brand licensing knowledge; making it more about reward than risk. Realise the power you hold in connecting consumers with their favourite brands.

 By attending you will:

  • Hear about consumer trends and evolving shopping habits in the context of brands

  • Discover how the elevation of a licensed brand partnership can put you head and shoulders above the competition 

  • Learn what to plan for - from accessing brand marketing spend to managing the approval process

  • Network with hundreds of other retailers facing the same challenges as you

There are no more retail passes available.



Licensors, Licensees & Agents

A unique opportunity to spend the day with the biggest British retailers.

By attending you will:

  • Establish yourself as a leader in your space with a dedication to licensing and knowledge about what consumers want

  • Get ahead of the competition by solidifying key foundations

  • Think like a retailer - find out how they think, what they care about and what they want to know from you

  • Access a room full of buyers, designers and brand managers from over 100 of the biggest retailers in the UK

This is a paid–for event for licensors, licensees and agents. With limited spaces available, we recommend registering your interest here to get notified when ticket sales open. 

There is also sponsorship options available that would increase your brand's presence. See here for more information.



The Bright Agency

We found the entire day both informative and illuminating, stirring a great deal of thought which in turn triggered even further discussion between us both once we had left the event. I have to say the quality of the debate was superb.